Meet Dana

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Close to 400 workshop presenters are at the front-line of Scientists in School, delivering high-quality hands-on STEM workshops in schools and communities across Ontario and Alberta. Dana became a Scientists in School presenter in 2015, and recently moved into her new role as our Community Outreach Specialist in Calgary, Alberta.

Dana, who has a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and a Master’s of Science in Physical Chemistry from the University of Calgary, also presents our classroom workshops Clued Into Forensic Science (Grade 6), Electricity: Get Charged! (Grade 5), I Can Be a Scientist (Kindergarten), It Really Matters (Grade 5), Magnet Mysteries (Grade 2), and workshops Winter is for the Birds, The Bees Knees, Honk, Squeak and Rumble, and Magnet Amazement in partnership with Lee Valley Tools.

We’re truly lucky to have Dana on our team. We caught up with Dana about her pathway to STEM!

What are your science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields of interest?

Growing up, I absolutely loved math and still do. But this love also evolved into a passion for chemistry and physics.

What has your career path been like?

During my time at the University of Calgary, I was part of a small team researching new solid state electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries. Solid state electrolytes are proven to be safer than conventional polymer electrolytes as they are not flammable. However, the challenging part was to get these solid state electrolytes to have the high conductivity of the conventional liquid electrolytes. Aside from being a presenter and Community Outreach Specialist at Scientists in School, I tutor for first year chemistry courses at the University of Calgary.

What inspires you to do what you do as a Scientists in School presenter and Community Outreach Specialist?

I love hearing someone say, “Aha, I get it now!” or when they make a connection to something they may have seen or heard somewhere else. I love hearing, “I want to be a scientist some day,” at the end of my workshops.

We’re always looking for dynamic individuals to join our team. To become a Scientists in School STEM workshop presenter, visit our Careers page.

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